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International Journal of Academe and Industry Research
International Journal of Academe and Industry Research - covers topics related to business management, accounting and finance, business education, economics, and applied industry research, among others.
For more details about the journal and its indexing, click here.
International Journal of Educational Management and Development Studies
International Journal of Educational Management and Development Studies - covers topics related to educational management, educational leadership, teaching and learning, assessment, and development studies in education, among others.
For more details about the journal and its indexing, click here.
International Journal of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
International Journal of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics - covers topics related to general science, medical science, physics, chemistry, information and communication technology, engineering and mathematics education, among others.
For more details about the journal and its indexing, click here.
International Review of Social Sciences Research
International Review of Social Sciences Research - covers topics related to humanities, philosophy, psychology, law and politics, arts, literature and history, among others.
For more details about the journal and its indexing, click here.
Journal of Allied Health Sciences & Medical Research
Journal of Allied Health Sciences and Medical Research - covers topics related to allied health, nursing, nutrition, pharmacy, allied health education, among others.
For more details about the journal and its indexing, click here.
Journal of Hospitality, Tourism & Cultural Research
Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Cultural Research - covers topics related to hospitality and tourism industry, hotel and restaurant management, food and beverage, hospitality education, among others.
For more details about the journal and its indexing, click here.
The Research Proble
The Research Probe (TRP) is an open-access peer-reviewed proceedings publication of institutional conferences and research competitions. It focuses on four broad themes: education and development studies; humanities and social sciences; science, technology, engineering and mathematics; and business, management and accounting.
To learn more about the journal and its indexing, click here.
Industry & Academic Research Review
Industry and Academic Research Review (IARR) is an open-access peer-reviewed proceedings publication of the International Conference on Multidisciplinary Industry and Academic Research (ICMIAR). It focuses on four broad themes: education and development studies; humanities and social sciences; science, technology, engineering and mathematics; and business, management and accounting.
To learn more about the journal and its indexing, click here.
International Student Research Review
International Student Research Review (ISRR) is an open-access peer-reviewed proceedings publication of the International Student Research Congress. It fosters research culture and academic excellence to high school and undergraduate (technical/vocational, college and university) students.
To learn more about the journal and its indexing, click here.
Management, Education & Innovation Review
Management, Education & Innovation Review (MEIR) is an open-access peer-reviewed proceedings publication of the International Conference on Management, Education & Innovation (ICMEI). It focuses on two broad sectors: education and business. It focuses on the current issues, practices and innovations in both the education and business sectors.
To read more about the journal and its indexing, click here.
International Conference on Management, Education & Innovation
The education and business are two sectors that gear towards industrialization and internationalization. In fact, the 21st Century Skills required from the 21st Century learners are fundamental to succeed in Industry 4.0. While these sectors are in two different spectrums, their interdependence affects their management and leadership. Hence, the International Conference on Management, Education and Innovation (ICMEI) provides a platform for researchers in these fields to disseminate, collaborate and publish their scientific findings. It focuses on the current issues, practices and innovations in both the education and business sectors.
To read more about the conference, click here.
International Student Research Congress
The dynamic research environment requires diverse generational researchers. Hence, the International Student Research Congress provides a platform for the next generation student-researchers around the world to connect, collaborate and learn from multidisciplinary research outputs. It fosters research culture and academic excellence to high school and undergraduate (technical/vocational, college and university) students.
To learn more about the conference, click here.
International Conference on Multidisciplinary Industry and Academic Research
The global community gears toward industry sustainability and independence. However, there is thin line of interconnectedness amongst the global key players. Thus the International Conference on Multidisciplinary Industry and Academic Research (ICMIAR) brings forth a venue for the various industry key players to connect and collaborate. It focuses on the current issues and trends on both the academe and industry and the various facets of their interconnectedness. This is the first 3-in-1 conference that fosters research presentation, journal publication and professional development.
To learn more about the conference, click here.