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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The author ensures that the article is an original work and has not been published nor currently considered for publication elsewhere.
  • The author informs all co-authors related to any agreements with respect to the article publication. The submission of which is consensus.
  • The author discloses all information related to the research funding and support. Information related to any conflict of interest are also disclosed. The author has obtained permission for any used materials.
  • The author confirms, to the best of his knowledge, the authenticity and integrity of the data gathered. There were no fabricated and misrepresented information contained in the article.
  • The author follows the prescribed manuscript format. You can download the prescribed Anonymous file and Title page templates.

Author Guidelines

Publication Process

The files must be uploaded only through the online submission portal (click here). Your paper will be assigned Submission ID Number, which you will use for all the communications related to the publication. Upon submission, you will receive submission confirmation acknowledgement approximately within 24 hours. If the editor found your paper not within the journal scope or not within the prescribed format, your submission may receive an early manuscript rejection decision. No submission will be entertained through email.

The publication process and timeline is shown below:




Online submission

The author submits the research article through the online submission portal.  

Preliminary evaluation

The journal manager and/or editor-in-chief evaluate the paper as to its fitness to the journal, formatting requirements and readiness for publication.

3 - 5 days

Double-blind review

Upon acceptance by the journal manager and/or editor-in-chief, the anonymous manuscript is sent to potential reviewers based on specialization and expertise. The reviewers are given one week for acceptance of the review assignment and three weeks for the review proper.

4 weeks

Revision & Resubmission

Upon receipt of at least two most appropriate reviews, the comments of the reviewers are sent to the corresponding author through email. The author revises the paper according to the suggestions given.

The resubmission must highlight in color the changes done within the revised paper and provide a matrix of action taken in addressing the reviewer comments.

The revised paper must be uploaded in the same submission section as 'revision' file.

2 weeks with extension as per author request

Publication acceptance

The journal manager and/or editor-in-chief evaluate the paper as to its readiness for publication. They proofread the paper as per the comments given by the reviewers.

1 week


Upon acceptance for publication, the author pays the Article Processing Charges (APC).  

Copyediting & Formatting

The paper is sent to the copyeditor for final formatting. At this stage, the author may still need to address some reviewer comments not properly followed and/or missing required parts such as declarations and acknowledgment sections. The copyeditor ensures that the paper is structurally fit for international journal publication.

1 week

Article Publication

The final draft copy of the paper is sent to the author for confirmation. If the author finds necessary corrections, it should be communicated to the editorial assistant through email. The open access publishing agreement is signed upon confirmation of the final copy of the article.  

You can download the step-by-step process of article submission and resubmission here.

Research Articles (General)

The journal accepts any topic within its scope and coverage. The submitted article needs to have strong empirical evidence and make significant contribution to the field. It should have strong theoretical and/or methodological literature.

The submission is an original article, not have been nor considered for publishing elsewhere. If it is a republication, the author must obtain permission to republish the same. The author must obtain permission for any used copyrighted materials within the article.

Privacy Statement

The IIARI respects and protects the privacy of its users. It does not sell or give any information of any external bodies. This website does not use tracking cookies except the requirement for online payments. This website is protected with Secure Socket Layer (SSL).

Any information collected from authors are protected and stored in a database and shall be used only for the purposes of dealing with the article publication. If you have any concerns on Privacy Policy, contact us at