Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.- The author ensures that the article is an original work and has not been published nor currently considered for publication elsewhere.
- The author informs all co-authors related to any agreements with respect to the article publication. The submission of which is consensus.
- The author discloses all information related to the research funding and support. Information related to any conflict of interest are also disclosed. The author has obtained permission for any used materials.
- The author confirms, to the best of his knowledge, the authenticity and integrity of the data gathered. There were no fabricated and misrepresented information contained in the article.
- The author follows the prescribed manuscript format. You can download the prescribed Anonymous file and Title page templates.
Research Articles (General)
The journal accepts any topic within its scope and coverage. The submitted article needs to have strong empirical evidence and make significant contribution to the field. It should have strong theoretical and/or methodological literature.
The submission is an original article, not have been nor considered for publishing elsewhere. If it is a republication, the author must obtain permission to republish the same. The author must obtain permission for any used copyrighted materials within the article.
Copyright Notice
The authors retain the copyright to the work while granting the journal the right to the first publication. The open-access articles are published under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) license, which grants anyone to reproduce, redistribute and transform, commercially or non-commercially, with proper attribution. Authors can use any contents of the article provided there is proper acknowledgement. Reprint and reproduction of the article does not require prior permission. Read full license details here:
The authors are allowed to upload and post their works online including, but not limited to, institutional website, personal website, social media and professional networking sites with proper attribution. Authors are encouraged to use the article Digital Object Identifier (DOI).
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